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Your search results
First steps
Using IQOS ILUMA PRIME is easy. Learn how to use and charge your IQOS, and find quick tips
Using IQOS ILUMA PRIME is easy. Learn how to use and charge your IQOS, and find quick tips
Sometimes a quick check is all it takes. Let us help you troubleshoot your IQOS ILUMA PRIME device.
Sometimes a quick check is all it takes. Let us help you troubleshoot your IQOS ILUMA PRIME device.
Rapid Replacement
If you are entitled for replacement, with our rapid replacement service you won’t have to wait too long
for a new device to arrive without having to leave
your home.
International Assistance
Get support on holiday or a business trip. We're only ever just a call away.
First steps
Using IQOS ILUMA is easy. Learn how to use and
charge your IQOS, and find quick tips.
Using IQOS ILUMA is easy. Learn how to use and
charge your IQOS, and find quick tips.
Sometimes a quick check is all it takes. Let us help you troubleshoot your IQOS ILUMA device.
Sometimes a quick check is all it takes. Let us help you troubleshoot your IQOS ILUMA device.
Rapid Replacement
If you are entitled for replacement, with our rapid replacement service you won’t have to wait too long
for a new device to arrive without having to leave
your home.
International Assistance
Get support on holiday or a business trip. We're only ever just a call away.
First steps
Using IQOS ILUMA ONE is easy. Learn how to use and charge your IQOS, and find quick tips.
Using IQOS ILUMA ONE is easy. Learn how to use and charge your IQOS, and find quick tips.
Sometimes a quick check is all it takes. Let us help
you troubleshoot your IQOS ILUMA ONE device.
Sometimes a quick check is all it takes. Let us help
you troubleshoot your IQOS ILUMA ONE device.
Rapid Replacement
If you are entitled for replacement, with our rapid replacement service you won’t have to wait too long
for a new device to arrive without having to leave
your home.
International Assistance
Get support on holiday or a business trip. We're only ever just a call away.
First steps
Using IQOS is easy. Learn how to use, clean and
charge your device to experience the best of IQOS.
Using IQOS is easy. Learn how to use, clean and
charge your device to experience the best of IQOS.
Sometimes a quick fix is all it takes, let us help you troubleshoot your IQOS device.
Sometimes a quick fix is all it takes, let us help you troubleshoot your IQOS device.
Accidental Damage Coverage
If your IQOS device is damaged by accident, we'll replace it for free* so you can continue enjoying
smoke-free moments with no ash to worry about.
*Terms and conditions apply.
Rapid Replacement
If you are entitled for a replacement, you won’t have
to leave your home or wait long for your new device
to arrive with our Rapid Replacement service.
If you are entitled for a replacement, you won’t have
to leave your home or wait long for your new device
to arrive with our Rapid Replacement service.
We’ve got you covered, even if you’re not in Malaysia. Call our dedicated international support helpline for expert IQOS support, whenever you’re away from
home. Services vary from country to country.
Complete Service:
Professional Device
Get professional device diagnosis and deep cleaning
to keep your IQOS device at its peak performance.
First steps
Learn how to use, clean, charge and easily take care
of your lil SOLID Ez.
Complete service
Professional maintenance for your lil SOLID Ez.
Professional maintenance for your lil SOLID Ez.
All your lil SOLID Ez questions answered.
All your lil SOLID Ez questions answered.
First Steps
Using IQOS 3 is easy. Learn how to use, clean, and
charge your IQOS 3, and find quick tips.
Using IQOS 3 is easy. Learn how to use, clean, and
charge your IQOS 3, and find quick tips.
Sometimes a quick fix is all it takes, let us help you troubleshoot your IQOS 3 device.
Sometimes a quick fix is all it takes, let us help you troubleshoot your IQOS 3 device.
Accidental Damage Coverage
If your IQOS device is damaged by accident, we'll replace it for free* so you can continue enjoying
smoke-free moments with no ash to worry about.
*Terms and conditions apply.
Rapid Replacement
If you are entitled for a replacement, you won’t have
to leave your home or wait long for your new device
to arrive with our Rapid Replacement service.
If you are entitled for a replacement, you won’t have
to leave your home or wait long for your new device
to arrive with our Rapid Replacement service.
We’ve got you covered, even if you’re not in Malaysia. Call our dedicated international support helpline for expert IQOS support, whenever you’re away from
home. Services vary from country to country.
Professional Device Cleaning
A clean device can make a difference. Drop
into one of our stores and enjoy our
complimentary professional cleaning service.
First Steps
Using IQOS 3 MULTI is easy. Learn how to use, clean,
and charge your IQOS 3 MULTI, and find quick tips.
Using IQOS 3 MULTI is easy. Learn how to use, clean,
and charge your IQOS 3 MULTI, and find quick tips.
Sometimes a quick fix is all it takes, let us help you troubleshoot your IQOS 3 MULTI device.
Sometimes a quick fix is all it takes, let us help you troubleshoot your IQOS 3 MULTI device.
Accidental Damage Coverage
If you accidentally damage your IQOS device, we’ll replace it for free* so you can continue enjoying your IQOS moments with one less thing to worry about.
Rapid Replacement
If you are entitled for a replacement, with our rapid replacement service you won't have to wait too long
for a new device to arrive or even leave your home.
If you are entitled for a replacement, with our rapid replacement service you won't have to wait too long
for a new device to arrive or even leave your home.
If you are on a holiday or travelling for work in a
country where IQOS is available and your device is
damaged, let us know and we'll send you a
replacement for free*.
Complete service:
Professional Device
Get a full professional maintenance for your IQOS device at any IQOS store.
First Steps
Using IQOS 2.4 PLUS is easy. Learn how to use, clean, and charge your IQOS 2.4 PLUS, and find quick tips.
Using IQOS 2.4 PLUS is easy. Learn how to use, clean, and charge your IQOS 2.4 PLUS, and find quick tips.
Sometimes a quick fix is all it takes, let us help you troubleshoot your IQOS 2.4 PLUS device.
Sometimes a quick fix is all it takes, let us help you troubleshoot your IQOS 2.4 PLUS device.
Accidental Damage Coverage
If your IQOS device is damaged by accident, we'll replace it for free* so you can continue enjoying
smoke-free moments with no ash to worry about.
*Terms and conditions apply.
Rapid Replacement
If you are entitled for a replacement, you won’t have
to leave your home or wait long for your new device
to arrive with our Rapid Replacement service.
If you are entitled for a replacement, you won’t have
to leave your home or wait long for your new device
to arrive with our Rapid Replacement service.
We’ve got you covered, even if you’re not in Malaysia. Call our dedicated international support helpline for expert IQOS support, whenever you’re away from
home. Services vary from country to country.
Complete service:
Professional Device
Get a full professional maintenance for your IQOS device at any IQOS store.
First Steps
Using IQOS 2.4 is easy. Learn how to use, clean, and
charge your IQOS 2.4, and find quick tips.
Using IQOS 2.4 is easy. Learn how to use, clean, and
charge your IQOS 2.4, and find quick tips.
Sometimes a quick fix is all it takes, let us help you troubleshoot your IQOS 2.4 device.
Sometimes a quick fix is all it takes, let us help you troubleshoot your IQOS 2.4 device.
Accidental Damage Coverage
If your IQOS device is damaged by accident, we'll replace it for free* so you can continue enjoying
smoke-free moments with no ash to worry about.
*Terms and conditions apply.
Rapid Replacement
If you are entitled for a replacement, you won’t have
to leave your home or wait long for your new device
to arrive with our Rapid Replacement service.
If you are entitled for a replacement, you won’t have
to leave your home or wait long for your new device
to arrive with our Rapid Replacement service.
We’ve got you covered, even if you’re not in Malaysia. Call our dedicated international support helpline for expert IQOS support, whenever you’re away from
home. Services vary from country to country.
Complete service:
Professional Device
Get a full professional maintenance for your IQOS device at any IQOS store.
First steps
Using lil SOLID 2.0 is easy. Learn how to use, clean,
and charge your lil SOLID 2.0 for the best smoke-free
Using lil SOLID 2.0 is easy. Learn how to use, clean,
and charge your lil SOLID 2.0 for the best smoke-free
Rapid Replacement
If you are entitled for a replacement, with our rapid replacement service you won't have to wait too long
for a new device to arrive or even leave your home.
If you are entitled for a replacement, with our rapid replacement service you won't have to wait too long
for a new device to arrive or even leave your home.
Complete service:
Professional device
Get a full professional maintenance for your
lil SOLID 2.0 at any IQOS store.