Terms and Conditions for Experience the Unexpected:


IMPORTANT: Please read these terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) before participating in the Program. By participating in this Program, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions, including any changes made by the Organizer from time to time.

Experience the Unexpected is part of the IQOS referral program to share experiences about IQOS with colleague to encourage them to switch to a better alternative than continuing to smoke. IQOS is free of fire, smoke, and ash. Colleagues are adult IQOS members or adult users of other nicotine containing products (21+). This Program is open to all IQOS Club Indonesia members in accordance with the applicable program terms and conditions (“Program”).

IQOS Club members who participating in this Program (“Participants”) must read, understand, and comply with the terms and conditions outlined below (“Terms and Conditions”).

A. Participant Requirements for Experience the Unexpected Program

This Program is valid in the Republic of Indonesia and open to participants who meet the following program requirements:

  • Participants are registered members at IQOS.com.
  • Physically and mentally healthy.
  • Willing to comply with all provisions in the Program's Terms & Conditions and the applicable Privacy Policy.

B. Program Period

  • The program period runs from August 1st to September 30th 2024 (“Program Period”).
  • Any submissions not received during the Program Period will be automatically disqualified from participation. The Organizer is not responsible for lost, delayed, or misdirected entries.

C. Program Mechanism

  • Participants must refer at least 3 (three) colleagues through the Referral Program and join the IQOS Stories engagement on IQOS.com as a participation requirement during the Program Period. Eligible referral recipient are colleagues who have registered with IQOS Club Indonesia and registered their devices on www.iqos.com during the Program Period and have never been an IQOS Club Indonesia members before.
  • For complete details about the referral terms and conditions, visit: Referral Terms & Conditions | IQOS Indonesia.
  • Participants must join the engagement by sharing their experiences using IQOS in IQOS Stories in the form of photo and/or written submissions that can be accessible via IQOS.com.
  • Submitted photos and/or writings in IQOS Stories must not contain content related to ethnicity, religion, race, or inter-group relations, offensive or harsh language, links or comments containing explicit sexual content, and copyright or intellectual property rights violations, and/or matters contrary to applicable laws and regulations.
  • For more details about IQOS Stories, visit the User-Generated Content (UGC) Agreement. Further terms and conditions regarding referring a friend can be accessed on: Referral Terms & Condisitions | IQOS Indonesia

D. Selected Participant Conditions

  • Rewards are specifically for IQOS Club Indonesia members who meet the Program requirements.
  • The selection and availability of rewards as mentioned in point E are determined based on the speed at which Participants meet the Program requirements.
  • Selected Participants will be determined through a selection process based on the criteria listed in the attached Terms & Conditions.

E. Main Rewards and Merchandise Rewards

1. Main Rewards:

  • 10 (ten) selected Participants will have the opportunity to attend the IQOS X event in Tokyo, Japan, on October 19th 2024.
  • Selected Participants receiving the Main Reward must be at least 25 years old and meet the Program requirements.
  • The selection of Participants will be determined by the Organizer based on the number of referrals (at least 3 colleagues during the Program), the quality of IQOS Stories submissions, and the speed of meeting Program Requirements.
  • Selected Participants eligibility to join the trip to Japan is depend on Passport ownership and Visa availability according to local policies. Any Visa rejection issued by the destination country is beyond the Organizer's control and is the responsibility of the selected Participant. The Organizer will offer alternative options related to the reward if a Visa rejection occurs.
  • Selected Participants will be announced via an official confirmation email from IQOS and contacted by phone by the Organizer.
  • The Organizer may announce the selected Participants before the Program ends in relation to the preparation needs for the trip departure.
  • Selected Participant candidates must undergo a curation and interview process by the Organizer as part of the selection process.
  • Rewards are non-transferable, not for resale, and/or cannot be exchanged for cash or any other items with the Organizer, either in whole or in part.
  • Selected Participants will be disqualified if: Participants cannot be contacted by the Organizer for verification purposes within 2x24 hours from the announcement. In this regard, Participants hereby agree to waive their right as a selected Participant to receive the reward and will release the Organizer from claims and/or demands for reward delivery in any form in the future.
  • The Organizer has the right to verify and/or check the validity of the data.
  • The Organizer's decision on the selection of selected Participants is final and cannot be contested.

2. Merchandise Rewards:

  • 650 Participants will be selected to receive Merchandise Rewards based on the Program's qualifications and terms & conditions.
  • The Top Referral Reward for 100 (one hundred) Participants is for Participants with the highest number of successful referrals during the Program Period.
  • The New LAU Referral Reward for 100 (one hundred) Participants is for Participants who newly joined IQOS.com during the Program Period and had successful referrals during the Program Period.
  • The Best Submission Reward for 50 (fifty) Participants is for Participants selected by the Organizer who have met the Program Requirements by referring 3 colleague and submitting IQOS Stories.
  • There are special rewards for the first 400 (four hundred) Participants who meet the Program Requirements.

F. General Provisions

  • This Program is not valid for employees of PT. HM Sampoerna Tbk. (“Sampoerna”), affiliates, agencies, and all parties involved in organizing the Program or Sampoerna service providers related to the distribution of IQOS products in Indonesia.
  • Participants ensure and guarantee that they will not use their personal social media accounts to communicate, advertise, and/or promote IQOS and the Program. Participants will also not engage in other activities that lead to or encourage communication of Adult Users regarding IQOS and/or other materials related to the Program, brand campaigns, including the use of hashtags and visual uploads.
  • The Organizer at its discretion, has the right to change the dates, mechanisms, rewards, and/or Terms and Conditions of the Program, without prior notice or compensation of any kind to Participants and/or any party. In the event of force majeure or other material considerations, the Organizer may cancel the Program without obligation to provide notice and/or compensation to any party.
  • The Organizer is not responsible if fraud and/or other criminal acts occur in the name of this Program. Therefore, Participants are advised to be cautious and aware of potential fraud and/or other criminal acts that may be carried out in the name of this Program and always ensure they are in contact with the legitimate Organizer.
  • Please contact or check with the legitimate Organizer via the IQOS.com website, call the Call Centre at 1500-975, or email contact@iqos.com.
  • Every Participant in this Program guarantees that all information provided is true, accurate, and correct during the Program period.

G. Other Conditions

  • By participating in the Program, Participants agree to the Program's terms and conditions.
  • The Organizer will not provide compensation for any reason if a Participant does not receive a reward due to not meeting the Terms and Conditions.
  • The Organizer is not responsible if selected Participants cannot receive rewards due to incorrect personal data and/or shipping address information.
  • Participants must read the entire Program Terms and Conditions. The Terms and Conditions are fully binding once Participants join the Program.

By participating in this Program, Participants agree to and permit PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. and/or its affiliates to:

  • Obtain, collect, process, analyse, store, display, announce, transmit, publish, and/or process all Participants and each selected Participant's personal data (including but not limited to name, photo, identity number, family card, phone number) for verification purposes and processing selected Participants Visa needs.
  • Create documentation in any format (photo or video) containing video, name, and comments from Participants or selected Participants for publication purposes on the IQOS.com website and/or social media or other IQOS and PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. publication materials.
  • Contact Participants directly or through appointed Third Parties.
  • Disclose Participants personal data information to PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. and/or its affiliates to perform the above tasks and to authorized parties (if required by the applicable laws of the Republic of Indonesia).
  • All Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights arising from the implementation of this program, including but not limited to ideas, copyrights, photos, videos, characters, music, sound recordings, designs, films, and other materials (“Intellectual Property Rights”), whether taken by the Organizer or selected Participants for publication on the official IQOS.com website and/or other IQOS publication materials, will fully belong to PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. and/or its affiliates in all jurisdictions and without time limit.