Tracking Your IQOS Order FAQs
Can I Track my Order?
Yes, you can. Once your order has been packed and dispatched for delivery, it will be added to the “My Orders” section of your account. After product dispatch, you’ll receive shipping confirmation with a shipment number and a link to view the status of your shipment, to track your IQOS order.
Where Can I Find my Order Number from
Once your order has been packed and dispatched for delivery, it will be added to the “My Orders” section of your account.
Also, you will receive an order confirmation email and/or SMS where you can find the order number.
How do I Check the Status of my Shipment?
You will be able to independently monitor the delivery status via the link you will receive with the shipment confirmation email and/or SMS. You will also be able to verify the delivery attempts already made and any problems the courier may have in identifying your address.
I Received Shipping Confirmation. Why Hasn't my Order Arrived?
On the day when the parcel is to be delivered, you will receive a SMS message and a phone call from your IQOS rider.
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