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What is the difference between Iil SOLID 2.0 and lil SOLID Ez?

lil SOLID Ez and lil SOLID 2.0 - are both alternatives to continued smoking. lil™ SOLID Ez is the next generation of lil™ SOLID 2.0 all-in-one tobacco heating device introduced by IQOS™

What’s new:

  1. Heating technology – resistive heating with a pin
  2. New device finishing – glossy finish
  3. New 5 colours: rose gold, mint, white, black and blue
  4. Smaller & lighter – 78.9 gr for lil SOLID Ez vs 98.8 gr for lil SOLID 2.0
  5. 4 new cap accessories for personalization: Stellar rose, stellar amber, stellar blue and stellar back. Now with a total portfolio of 9 coloured caps
  6. New additional cleaning tool – lil SOLID Cleaner Pro, for cleaning the cap and around the pin. Sold separately.

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