is the aroma when you consume your tobacco stick, starting from the moment you open the pack, to the experience when you inhale and exhale the vapor.
is the combination of aroma and body, the higher the aroma and the stronger the body, the higher the overall product intensity.
is the mouthfeel or density of vapor in your mouth and throat. The thicker the vapor, the stronger the body. It’s like comparing a mug of hot chocolate, to a mug of green tea, both are hot, but the density is different.
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This website contains information about Philip Morris International smoke-free products, which are exclusively for adults in United Kingdom who would otherwise continue to use other nicotine products. Smoke-free products are not an alternative to quitting and are not designed as cessation aids. Smoke-free products are not risk free and provide nicotine, which is addictive. Please visit the Important Information page for additional risk information.
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