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ILUMA devices


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All Heated Tobacco Devices

Shop all new IQOS ILUMA devices here. The IQOS ILUMA range consists of three different devices - IQOS ILUMA, IQOS ILUMA ONE and IQOS ILUMA PRIME.

Offer ends 31st March

IQOS ILUMA ONE Starter Kit IQOSILUMAOneStarterKit 2023-09-04T01:00:00+0000 false all-device all-device 19.0 19.0

All-in-one design, offering up to 20 consecutive uses with a single charge. Next level tobacco experience without blades.


Offer ends 31st March

IQOS ILUMA Starter Kit IQOSILUMAStarterKit 2023-09-04T01:00:00+0000 false all-device all-device 39.0 39.0
IQOS ILUMA Starter Kit

The ergonomic, iconic design of IQOS elevated to the next level. With bladeless technology at its core for a simple and clean heated tobacco experience.


IQOS ILUMA PRIME Starter Kit IQOSILUMAPrimeStarterKit 2023-09-04T01:00:00+0000 false all-device all-device 79.0 79.0

With an all-aluminum body and refined design, it is our most enhanced device to date. Bladeless for a seamless and clean heated tobacco experience.


While stocks last

IQOS ILUMA Refreshed Starter Kit IQOSILUMARefreshedStarterKit false all-device all-device 39.0 39.0
IQOS ILUMA Refreshed Starter Kit

IQOS ILUMA for less with Refreshed, fully tested, cleaned with 12 month warranty. IQOS ILUMA Refreshed features the ergonomic and iconic IQOS design, offering up to 20 consecutive uses with a single charge.


IQOS ILUMA Limited Edition Steve Aoki Starter Kit SteveAokiStarterKit false all-device all-device 55.0 55.0
IQOS ILUMA Limited Edition Steve Aoki Starter Kit

Contrasts with the brilliant green leather-like door completed with a glow in the dark ‘Aoki’ logo.


IQOS ILUMA ONE Limited Edition Neon Purple Starter Kit ILUMAONENeonStarterKit false ht-neon-starter ht-neon-starter 39.0 39.0
IQOS ILUMA Prime Charger G0000618 Golden Khaki ILUPRI IQOS ILUMA false M0302 DC001909.01 S.01RN8 7622100602538 all-device all-device 59.0 59.0
IQOS ILUMA Prime Charger

Buy the IQOS ILUMA PRIME Pocket Charger to charge your IQOS ILUMA Holder and customize your experience.

IQOS ILUMA Charger G0000622 Pebble Beige ILUMA IQOS ILUMA false M0302 DC002148.00 S.01RN7 7622100598411 all-device all-device 39.0 39.0

Buy the IQOS ILUMA PRIME Pocket Charger to charge your IQOS ILUMA Holder and customize your heated tobacco experience.

IQOS ILUMA Holder G0000613 Pebble Beige ILUMA IQOS ILUMA false M0301 DA003520.00 S.01RN6 7622100598350 all-device all-device 30.0 30.0

Buy the IQOS ILUMA Holder in case you need a replacement for your IQOS device and experience the new heated tobacco technology.

IQOS ILUMA Prime Holder G0000609 Golden Khaki ILUPRI IQOS ILUMA false M0301 DA003045.01 S.01RN3 7622100602200 all-device all-device 50.0 50.0
IQOS ILUMA Prime Holder

Buy the IQOS ILUMA PRIME Holder to experience the new heated tobacco technology: the IQOS ILUMA PRIME delivers two consecutive uses.

IQOS ILUMA One Holder G0000604 Pebble Beige ILUMA1 IQOS ILUMA false M0301 DA003526.00 S.01RUH 7622100599555 all-device all-device 39.0 39.0

Buy the IQOS ILUMA ONE Holder to experience the new heated tobacco technology: the IQOS ILUMA ONE delivers twenty consecutive uses.


Shop all new IQOS ILUMA devices here. The IQOS ILUMA range consists of three different devices - IQOS ILUMA, IQOS ILUMA ONE and IQOS ILUMA PRIME. Each IQOS device in this range comes with its own distinct design and features. The IQOS ILUMA takes the iconic, ergonomic look you’ll recognise from previous IQOS generations and elevates this to the next level, complete with an IQOS Holder and Pocket Charger. ILUMA PRIME has an all aluminium body and textured wrap covering the IQOS charger, whereas ILUMA ONE is a sleek, all-in-one design. While the design of each device varies, all three feature the revolutionary SMARTCORE INDUCTION SYSTEMTM. This IQOS ILUMA Smartcore Induction Technology heats tobacco instead of burning it to deliver the taste of real tobacco.

IQOS ILUMA can only be used with TEREA heated tobacco sticks, which come in a range of variants. Discover TEREA and shop our range of variants. You can also find out more about the new IQOS ILUMA device series at Discover IQOS ILUMA.