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IQOS and VEEV device issues on availability​

IQOS 3 DUO / IQOS 2.4 / IQOS 3 MULTI are not available to buy. Why?​


Our older generation of heat-not-burn devices; IQOS 3 DUO, IQOS 3 and IQOS 2.4 are no longer available for purchase.​

These were discontinued on when we launched our newest range of heat-not-burn devices, IQOS ILUMA. Find out more about IQOS ILUMA here.​


VEEBA / VEEV NOW are not available to buy. Why?​

Our older generation of vaping devices; VEEV NOW and VEEBA are no longer available for purchase on​

Discover more about VEEV ONE, our latest premium rechargeable vaping device here.

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