Heated Tobacco vs Vape Smell

Does vaping smell? And if so, how does it compare to the smell of heated tobacco? As an adult smoker moving over from cigarettes to a better alternative, you probably have some questions around this topic. Both vapes and heated tobacco typically produce noticeable smells. However, in general, neither will smell exactly like a cigarette. Smell is defined by a product’s ingredients, so it’s important to remember that not every vape or heated tobacco experience will produce the same odour.

So, do vapes smell? The short answer is yes. However, the smell will depend on the ingredients used in the vape e-liquid. In vapes, it’s the e-liquid that is responsible for providing a vape smell. That’s because e-liquids contain ingredients that will produce a smell when vapourised. For example, if an e-liquid contains mint, or an ingredient that replicates the flavour of mint, you will likely detect a mint smell when vaping. 

Typically, heated tobacco products will smell of tobacco. Take how our tobacco heating devices from IQOS smell as an example - specifically from our IQOS ILUMA series. IQOS ILUMA Smartcore Induction Technology heats tobacco instead of burning it to deliver the taste of real tobacco. What’s more, IQOS ILUMA produces less smell than cigarettes.* 

* 93% agreement amongst 674 adult consumers in Japan and Italy, 2020 – 2021.


IQOS ILUMA devices use TEREA tobacco sticks. TEREA sticks have been specifically designed for exclusive use in IQOS ILUMA, meaning you can only use TEREA in IQOS ILUMA and vice versa. In comparison, older, bladed IQOS device generations use HEETS tobacco sticks instead.

TEREA and HEETS aroma can differ depending on the flavour. Both TEREA and HEETS flavours come with their own levels of intensity, body and aroma. For example, the HEETS aroma of the Amber flavour is stronger than the HEETS aroma of the Turquoise flavour. When selecting a smoke-free alternative, aroma isn’t the only thing to think about. How long these smells last for is another element that adult users may consider before switching to a smoke-free product. Smells may last for different lengths of time. Therefore, it can be useful to know how long - and where - vape or heated tobacco smells linger.

How Long Does Vape Smell Last?

How long the smell of vape lasts typically depends on the type of device you’re using as well as the e-liquid. It may take a few minutes for the vape smell to completely disappear. Typically, the smell of vape won’t linger as long as cigarette smoke.

How Long Does Heated Tobacco Smell Last?

How long the smell of heated tobacco lasts depends on the product in question, however, the smell of heated tobacco usually lingers for less time than cigarettes. This will ultimately depend on the specific product in question though. 

Take our series of tobacco heating devices IQOS ILUMA as an example. When using IQOS ILUMA, the tobacco vapour dissipates more quickly than cigarette smoke.* Additionally, IQOS ILUMA leaves less lingering smell than cigarettes.**

* 85% agreement amongst 674 adult consumers in Japan and Italy, 2020 – 2021.

** 90% agreement amongst 674 adult consumers in Japan and Italy, 2020 – 2021. 

Does Heated Tobacco and Vaping Leave Smell in a Room?

If you use a heated tobacco product or vape indoors, it could leave smells in the room. These smells are different to those produced by a cigarette and could be less noticeable. If you’ve just transitioned to a smoke-free alternative, you might be considering the etiquette around using this alternative indoors. So, if you’re asking the question ‘How long does vape smell last in a room?’, know that it may last for a few minutes but could differ depending on the device or e-liquid being used.

Similarly, when it comes to heated tobacco, its smell could potentially linger less in a room compared to cigarettes. However, this should be substantiated on a product-by-product basis. On this note, you may be wondering if heated tobacco devices from IQOS smell indoors. Well, IQOS ILUMA leaves less smell on furniture and fabric than cigarettes.* 

The reduction in smell and lack of smoke are not the only possible improvements of IQOS ILUMA though. As IQOS ILUMA produces less smell than cigarettes, it is less likely to bother people around you.** Additionally, over 70% of consumers agree that IQOS ILUMA produces less smell compared to previous generations of IQOS.***

* 93% agreement on less smell amongst 674 adult consumers in Japan and Italy, 2020 – 2021.

** 85% agreement amongst 674 adult consumers in Japan and Italy, 2020 – 2021.

*** 72% agreement amongst 714 adult consumers in Japan and Italy, 2020 – 2021.

Does Heated Tobacco and Vaping Leave a Smell on Clothes?

A common complaint about cigarette smoking is its lingering smell that often sticks to clothes and other surfaces like walls or curtains. Usually, the smell that comes from vapes does not typically stay on clothes, but this may differ between products. 

When it comes to heated tobacco, you may think the smell of tobacco sticks onto clothing, but this is usually not the case. As previously mentioned, IQOS ILUMA leaves less smell on furniture and fabric than cigarettes.* Plus, the IQOS ILUMA device leaves no smell in your pocket or bag.** 

* 93% agreement on less smell amongst 674 adult consumers in Japan and Italy, 2020 – 2021.

** 82% agreement amongst 674 adult consumers in Japan and Italy, 2020 – 2021.

If you’re considering heated tobacco as a smokeless alternative, IQOS ILUMA could be an option worth considering. It’s small and compact, and does not need cleaning to ensure optimal performance. Plus, it’s easy to use and enjoy. With simple insertion and removal of TEREA sticks. 

Interested in learning more? Discover IQOS ILUMA and its compatible TEREA sticks by following the respective links.

Smoke-free products are not risk-free and provide nicotine, which is addictive. The best decision any adult smoker can make is to quit tobacco and nicotine use altogether. Smoke-free products are not alternatives to quitting and are not designed as cessation aids.

This article is for general information and educational purposes. Some of the information in this article is based on external, third-party sources and we make no representations or warranties of any kind regarding the accuracy, validity or completeness of such information.